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Winning Trials By Putting In The Work

By December 24, 2023January 22nd, 2025No Comments2 min read

By doing the work and by winning trials. So you can’t win trials unless you do the work, right? I’ve been a lawyer since 2000 here in Washington State, and I’m still licensed in Michigan. I started practicing there first. I didn’t always do the work.

I went back to school to learn. I attended Trial Lawyers College in Wyoming and and graduated in 2015. I went there after a murder case that I did that ended up returning a guilty verdict and it just crushed me. So that was the beginning of realizing really you need to work on yourself. You have to be truthful with juries. Juries can’t be “played wth”. There’s a lot of TV shows and stuff like that where you think that’s what lawyers are doing, but I think that real effective lawyers are authentic to every jury. In the USA, we have a great justice system with juries. We’re lucky, we’re unique in the world in that way. But you have to be authentic, you have to work on yourself to be authentic. 

I’ve just moved on to constantly working to be better at my craft. I think other lawyers realize how simple it is to just run this ad, or campaign and be a mill of sorts. Bring in the clients, turn and burn ’em and make money and, go home and don’t really put in the work. They’re not doing justice for their clients. And I’m not that way. I may have been that earlier in my career, but I’m definitely not that now. I had a change of heart needed to be a better person and saw the need to change the system. I had to care. I had to be more emotional. Bond with my clients on a level that no other attorney around me could do.