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Traffic violations

Moving and Non-moving Traffic Violations in Washington

By September 13, 2023January 22nd, 2025No Comments3 min read

Traffic violations in Washington State are indeed like most traffic laws set forth throughout the United Stated and are generally divided into two categories: moving violations and non-moving violations.

Moving violations occur when a vehicle is in motion. Common examples of moving violations include:

  1. Speeding: This is probably the most common traffic violation, and it involves driving faster than the posted speed limit.
  2. Running red lights or stop signs: Vehicles are required to stop at red lights and stop signs. Failing to do so constitutes a violation.
  3. Driving under the influence (DUI): This refers to operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  4. Reckless driving: This is a more serious offense that involves driving in a way that shows a willful disregard for safety.
  5. Distracted driving: This includes any activity that diverts attention from driving, such as talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, or fiddling with the stereo, entertainment, or navigation system.
  6. Failure to signal: Drivers are required to use their vehicle’s turn signals to indicate when they are changing lanes or turning.
  7. Failure to yield the right of way: This violation occurs when a driver does not yield to another vehicle or pedestrian who has the right of way.

Non-moving violations are infractions that occur when the vehicle is not in motion. These can include:

  1. Parking violations: These occur when a vehicle is parked illegally, such as in a no-parking zone, in front of a fire hydrant, or in a handicap spot without a permit.
  2. Equipment violations: These include violations such as having a broken headlight or taillight, expired tags, overly tinted windows, or other equipment that is not in line with regulations.
  3. Paperwork violations: This could be failing to provide proof of insurance, driving without a valid driver’s license, or not having your vehicle registration.

Remember that traffic laws can vary by state, and sometimes even by city or county, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the specific laws in your area. Failure to adhere to these laws can result in fines, points on your driving record, increased insurance rates, and even loss of your driver’s license in some cases.

If you were cited for speeding, driving on a suspended license, reckless driving or leaving the scene of an accident, you are facing the possibility of costly penalties. You have a right to defend against these allegations. However, depending on the circumstances, there may be legal avenues for reducing or eliminating traffic fines and penalties with the right legal assistance.

The traffic violation defense lawyers of LaCross & Murphy, PLLC, have extensive experience in minimizing the negative consequences of traffic infractions. Contact our office in Port Orchard today to explore your options with a free consultation.