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David LaCross

“David LaCross got me out of a really tricky DUI situation. Even when I thought it was all over, he still came through. He saved my life.”

- Sam Hutchins
Call 360-447-9365

David LaCross knows that every winning case starts with a story.

Most of his clients are scrambling to defend their rights against powerful institutions with nearly unlimited resources at their disposal, and very few checks on that power to hold them to account. They often rely on faulty science to get convictions and even blame victims for their own injuries.

But David knows how to cut through the bullshit, using his decades of experience as a trial lawyer to present not just the facts of his clients’ cases – but their stories.

Because in the courtroom, stories matter.

David’s track record includes winning numerous seemingly-impossible cases across Kitsap County. He knows how to stand up for his clients and help them fight back against injustice.

When David steps into a courtroom, he’s not there to do the bare minimum or make a buck off his clients. He’s not there just as a defense lawyer or even a skilled trial attorney.

By championing his clients’ stories, he’s able to be a voice for justice and a warrior for his clients.

David always knew he wanted to be a lawyer.

But before taking that first step toward his law degree, David spent three years in the Navy, working the apprenticeship program at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and studying at Evergreen State College in Olympia.

In 1996, David finally accomplished his lifelong dream of becoming an attorney, graduating from the University of Puget Sound School of Law.

Not long into his career, he realized the power that skilled trial attorneys have to advocate for their clients both inside and outside of the courtroom.

He learned that law enforcement often rushes to judgment without properly investigating criminal defense cases. He learned that crime labs don’t always follow scientific procedures or keep their equipment up-to-date.

And, perhaps most importantly, he learned that juries – and even prosecutors – respond best to people whose stories they can relate to on a personal level.

This realization set him on a journey to become the fiercest litigator and the toughest defense attorney he could be.

David has made it his mission to become an authority on DUI defense. A member of the National College for DUI Defense, he is certified in standardized field sobriety tests. He has also been trained in the Advanced Detection of DUI, and the processes that crime labs use to test blood.

Like the officers who patrol the streets, David knows how these tests work – and he knows just how unreliable they can be. In court, he can cross-examine police officers to point out where they failed to follow procedure, or poke holes in a crime lab’s unscientific evidence.

His aggressive trial skills don’t end with DUI defense. David trained with the Trial Lawyers College, an elite program in Wyoming that produced some of the most fearsome trial lawyers in the country. With the Trial Lawyers College, David honed his skills at truly understanding his client’s story and relating that story to a jury of their peers.

Those same skills apply to personal injury litigation, as well. Insurance companies use their money, lawyers, and institutional backing in an attempt to deny injury victims the compensation they deserve. But vigorous personal injury attorneys have the truth of their clients’ stories on their side.

Outside of the courtroom, David spends his free time with his wife, Jacki, and his daughters, or on his Harley. For him, self-care is an open road and the roar of an engine.

Like most bikers, David values freedom and independence. He is proud of the Humanitarian Award he received from the Kitsap Bar Association for defending free speech in Washington and around the country. He has also been recognized by his community as the best criminal defense attorney in Kitsap County for numerous years.

At the end of the day, David prides himself on being a champion for his clients.

And he never backs down in the face of injustice.

  • University of Puget Sound School of Law
  • Evergreen State College in Olympia
Bar Admissions
  • Washington
  • Michigan
Accolades and Continuing Legal Education
  • Humanitarian Award – Kitsap Bar Association, 2017
  • National Criminal Defense College
  • Trial Lawyers College
  • National College for DUI Defense
  • Completed Standardized Field Sobriety Training
  • Completed Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Training
  • Completed Mastering Scientific Evidence in DUI Training
  • Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  • Washington Defender Association
  • American Association for Justice
  • Washington State Association for Justice – Eagle Member

Our promise to you: by the time we’re done with your case, you will know without a shadow of a doubt that our team heard you.

That we dedicated ourselves to your case.

And that we stood by you as your warriors in battle.

Call 360-447-9365